ITIA8 – Player and User Studies 5 op


This study module introduces to the student the broad field of player and user studies, and the related concepts, theories and methods.


After completing the study module, the student is able to:
– perceive the players as users and users as players
– analyze players and users separate from one?s own relationship with games and services
– understand concepts of usability, playability and player or user experience, and can utilize the relevant methods in the design and evaluation of games and services
– evaluate the results of use and user research in various contexts, in relation to different interests in knowledge
– 0execute and evaluate small scale user and player studies


Use and usability of games and services; playability and game experience; player demographics and typologies; user culture research methods, from etnography to commercial user metrics; player and user motivation research; transgressive uses of systems; playful use; user experience; social media usage and games; user-centered design; modifications; user-created content; inclusive and participatory design; crowdsourcing.

