
UDK's communication channels include Telegram, Instagram, email lists and websites. English is emphasized within the communication strategy, and the same approach will continue to be developed in the future.

The communication team consists of two communication coordinators from the board, a project coordinator and communication officers. The roles of communication officers are determined based on their individual interests, such as photographers, graphic designers and weekly newsletter coordinators. 

Hallitukseen ja toimihenkilöihin saa yhteyden osoitteella ja pelkkään hallitukseen osoitteella Kaikki käytössä olevat osoitteet löytyvät nettisivuilta

Mailing list

UDKn postituslista on ja englannin kielinen postituslista on Listoilla tiedotetaan UDKn tapahtumista sekä muista relevanteista edunvalvonnan- sekä viestinnän asioista. Liittyminen sähköpostilistoille onnistuu Telegramin UDKamut ryhmän alta löytyvän Pikalinkit -kanavan kautta. 

Jos haluat lähettää listalle viestin, laita sähköpostin vastaanottajaksi Huomaathan, että lähettääksesi sähköpostia listalle sinun täytyy olla ensin liittyneenä sille.

Emails are sent almost weekly. Emails may go to spam, so you should mark them as not spam.

Mailing list for freshers

Tiedottaminen fukseille tapahtuu fuksien sähköpostilistalla Fukseille liittyvistä tapahtumista ja muista asioista tiedotetaan tällä listalla.


UDK uses Telegram as a communication channel, where you can find channels such as general announcement, event announcement and UDKamut. The UDKamut channel includes sub-topics such as UDK Flea Market, Job and Internship Announcements, Animal Friends, and Quick Links. Separate Telegram groups are also created for freshmen, allowing communication between freshmen and tutors. The links to the announcement channels can be found in the email list messages or by requesting them from our chairperson.


You can find UDK on Instagram at @udkry. UDK's Instagram provides information about events and other current affairs. UDK is actively present on Instagram to reach as many members as possible. Stories are used to announce events of the week, including any freshmen events. Major events may be advertised in advance. Through event communication on Instagram, UDK aims to attract more participants and generate excitement about events and other activities. 


UDK has its own Discord group for finding gaming partners or simply chatting. Discord is also used for organizing remote gaming nights. You can request the Discord invitation link in UDK’s Telegram group. 


UDK's TikTok account can be found with the username @udk_ry. The purpose of the account is to build the organization's image among other students, and the content is casual. It includes various fun videos related to UDK events and activities, as well as relatable content related to studies or other enjoyable topics! If you capture videos at UDK events, feel free to send them to our TikTok coordinator so they can be used!


UDK uses its website ( for communication. The site is updated with news, events, and contact information for the board and officers of each term. The website's renewal and updating are managed by the administration team in collaboration with the IT officer. Other teams, especially the communication team, assist as needed. 


Jodel is not an official communication channel for UDK. The board or officers do not respond to discussions or feedback on Jodel. If you have feedback that you would like the board to read, send it to the feedback Padlet found in the quick links.
